Local Officials: Stronger, Together Podcast

Episode 2b: “Local Governments and Firearms: Avoiding a Jam”

August 06, 2021 Scott Houston Season 1 Episode 2

The information in this episode becomes effective on September 1, 2021. In this episode, we talk about whether local governments can prohibit — or allow — employees to actually carry a gun while at work, and how that can affect your workplace and your risk of a lawsuit.

Further information:

The following are effective until August 31, 2021
Local Governments and Firearms:  Avoiding a Jam (Comprehensive Paper in Q&A Format)
Local Governments and Firearms:  Avoiding a Jam (Cheat Sheet)

The following become effective on September 1, 2021
Local Governments and Firearms:  Avoiding a Jam V2 (Comprehensive Paper in Q&A Format)
Local Governments and Firearms:  Avoiding a Jam V2 (Cheat Sheet)

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