Local Officials: Stronger, Together Podcast

Episode 11: Are You R.O.A.D. Ready?

Scott Houston Season 1 Episode 11

R.O.A.D. Ready is a Risk Pool program designed to save lives, prevent injuries, and protect property by raising member awareness of dangers on and near roadways.  The Pool will provide participating members with: (1) specifically-designed resources and training to mitigate roadway risks; and (2) promotional materials to show they are R.O.A.D. Ready.

The Pool launched the program in January 2022 and has designated each successive January as R.O.A.D. Ready month. To participate, a member should: (1) make a commitment to becoming R.O.A.D. Ready by providing internal roadway safety training or using the Pool’s resources to do so; and (2) participating in national roadway, vehicle, or work zone programs.

In this episode, you’ll hear more about why this initiative came about and why it’s so important.



R.O.A.D. Ready home page


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